A Big God

It’s hard for us to grasp how big the universe really is. We typically perceive light as being instantaneous, but it takes time even for light to travel from one point to another. Although light travels very fast, it takes about 8 minutes for a beam of light to travel from the sun to earth. But the second-closest star to us (after the sun) is Proxima Centauri, and it takes light just over four years to reach us. Thus, that star is four light-years away.
The nearest galaxy to us is Andromeda, containing billions of stars, and is visible from earth with the naked eye. But by comparison, Andromeda is about 2.5 million light years away. In other words, light that we’re just now viewing from Andromeda happened some 2.5 million years ago! Andromeda and our Milky Way are just two of very many galaxies that make up the entire universe, which is billions of light years across.
As big as these astronomical numbers are, God is bigger than all of it. But often, the hardest part for us is believing that God is big enough for us and our problems. Life’s challenges and storms can be overwhelming without any clear solution in sight. In these moments, it’s helpful to remember that the God who created the universe, and who created you, can certainly handle the storm that you’re facing right now. As big as your problems can be, God is bigger!
Pastor Paul Cook
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