A Longer Table

Ever notice how much time Jesus spent eating with others? It wasn’t just about the food, of course; many of his teaching moments were spent around a table. Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding feast. One of his most intimate moments with his disciples was at his “last supper” with them in the upper room. After his resurrection, he appeared to the disciples again while they were gathered for a meal.
And it wasn’t just about meals with his disciples. Jesus was criticized because of his reputation for eating with tax collectors, sinners, and others on the margins of society. He deliberately sought out table fellowship with those who had been rejected by others.
In this, Jesus models for us what God’s kingdom is all about. God’s kingdom is never about shutting others out, but about bringing others in. Someone once said, “When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a taller fence.” Are you building taller fences or longer tables?
Pastor Paul Cook
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