And Isolated Church?
Is the Church Closed? The answer to that question has to be an emphatic NO. In a very short amount of time, we have all been learning how to do things differently in an attempt to limit our social contact: school, work, shopping, leisure.
And now church. What does church look like during a period of social isolation? We’re starting to figure that out.
We’re discovering that church cannot be a building that we go to. Neither can it be an institution that is either open or closed for business.
The church is a living body of Christian believers who love Jesus and love others. When we understand this, even social isolation cannot keep the church from being the church.
So my best advice to you these days is simply this: be the church. Find ways to connect with other people, whether through phone calls, social media, Skype, or FaceTime. Find ways to connect with God. Use some of your social isolation time as an opportunity for prayer and reflection. And find creative ways to connect in service to the world. I’ve been inspired, for example, by people who have been reading books online. The needs are great and they are compounding, which means that right now, the world needs the church to be the church.
Pastor Paul Cook
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