God Hears Us

Occasionally I’ve been in a gathering where the entire group of people are all praying aloud to God at once. It’s a neat experience if you’ve ever participated in anything like that, to see and hear many people lifting their voices to God individually, but together. The noise that it generates is something like a holy din; you can’t really hear any one person’s prayer, but only the aggregate sound of all the prayers together. With enough people praying loudly, you really can’t hear much else!
It’s amazing to consider that while we can’t hear any one of those many prayers, God hears every single one. I imagine that the scene in a room like that reflects on a small scale the situation that takes place around the world. People all around the world are praying to God about something, even in this moment.
Perhaps you’ve been praying a lot lately, too. Tell God what’s going on in your life. God hears us!
Pastor Paul Cook
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