Freedom in Christ

On the Fourth of July, many people look forward to grill outs, pool parties, parades, and fireworks. There is usually tasty food and festive times with family and friends. We don our red, white, and blue outfits proudly! We might thank a veteran or military member for their service or meditate on what freedom means in the U.S.A. and in other countries. July 4th is a great way for Christians to remember that we have freedom in Christ. “For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:2 ESV) Freedom does not mean that we can do anything we want without considerations for others, nor does it mean that we are given free rein to say or cause harm to others with no consequences. Freedom in Christ means when we do make mistakes, sin, that result in causing harm to our relationships with others and with God, that we have a way to recover. Christ is the one who makes us right. Christ gives us the freedom to ask for forgiveness, to be assured we have been made right in the eyes of God, and go on to live a full, abundant life. That is true freedom! May you have a wonderful, safe, July 4th!
In Christ,
Pastor Elyse
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