A Time to Repent

Go and learn what this means, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.” Matthew 9:13
Advent is a season of preparation, much like the Christian season of Lent (the 40 days before Easter). In Advent, we prepare our hearts, minds, and homes for the coming (once again) of Christ the King to come to earth. One of the ways we prepare our hearts and minds is through repentance. Our sermon series is Advent in Narnia and great repentance is shown in chapter 2 when Lucy and Mr. Tumnus, the faun has a chance meeting by the lamppost in the magical world of Narnia. Mr. Tumnus is half wild! He has two goat legs, two horns, and a tail. He also wears a scarf and carries packages along with an umbrella which is shocking and interesting for Lucy, the human girl.
Mr. Tumnus, despite his decorum and docile appearance, tries to kidnap Lucy. He lured her to his cave, fed her a lovely meal, and tried to sing her to sleep to give her over to the White Witch (villain of the story). He breaks down, confessing everything in tears but explaining he must betray her.
Lucy is a little girl but is made of tough stuff. She kindly offers him her handkerchief all the while she insists that he change his mind. She insists that he repent. Her kindness and request for justice converts Tumnus. He changes his mind and chooses to befriend Lucy. This puts him at great peril with the White Witch.
Humans, like Mr. Tumnus, are wild and simultaneously tame, fearful yet loving, sinners and saints. Like Lucy, God calls us to account for our thoughts and behaviors but also offers us love and mercy. How might God be calling you to repent this Advent? Is God calling you to offer grace and mercy when someone has hurt you?
In Christ,
Pastor Elyse
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