Kind Words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” is an old adage that was meant to instill resilience in the hearer. It was a way to reframe insults or unkind words so that the person did not have that power over you. Even though we may believe that insults don’t hurt us, often they stick longer than they should. The unkind voice comes back to haunt us when we are feeling anxious or self-conscious about some aspect of ourselves. This scripture invites us instead to counter the narrative by offering up prompt, genuine, and appropriate kind words to people. A thoughtful compliment or praise for a real achievement is enough for some to sustain them for a long time. When a parent, boss, teacher, or trusted friend says kind words to or about you it is so sweet! Say something kind. You may just make someone’s day!
In Christ,
Pastor Elyse
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