
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!”
John 12:13
As the season of Lent comes to a glorious end on Easter Sunday, we have a scripturally packed Holy Week. The first part of the epic tale is on Palm Sunday. The crowd welcomed Jesus in a palm parade as he rode in on a donkey and another trailed behind. The people shouted their joy and waved palms in what is universally known as the victory pose. When one throws their arms over their heads, perhaps punching the air, wide smile on their face, it is known in almost every country in the world as a show in one’s body of victory. The crowd believed their messiah had come and indeed He had, but not yet in full glory. Little did they know, that in just a short week, the world would forever be changed. Their meager expectations of a messiah was nothing compared to what King Jesus would accomplish. May we, like them, hold the promise of victory, victory of life over death, victory of forgiveness over condemnation, and victory of hope over despair. Proclaim: Christ is victorious!
In Christ,
Pastor Elyse
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