Victory Over Death!

Victory Over Death!

In the days leading up to Jesus’s death, we wish to jump ahead to get to the celebration of Easter. So much of our lives is consumed with staying young, vital, and without pain. We cannot get to the joy of Easter without dealing with suffering and death. Part of what makes Easter so meaningful is precisely because of the pain and suffering and death Jesus endured, not despite it. Christ knows full well what it is like for us to suffer and suffers with us. He doesn’t skip to when we are up and when things are going great! When we experience illness, losses of all kinds, and when death comes, He is with us… even to the end of the age. The joy promised at Easter is that death, loss, and grief don’t win. Christ is victorious over death, and we share in his resurrection! Join us Easter Sunday as we celebrate the risen Savior!

In Christ,
Pastor Elyse


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