The Waiting Game

With all my heart I wait for the Lord to help me.
I put my hope in his word.
I wait for the Lord to help me.
I want his help more than night watchmen want the morning to come.
I’ll say it again.
I want his help more than night watchmen want the morning to come.
Psalm 130:5-6 NIRV
In this season of Lent, waiting is the name of the game. As a people, we are not good at waiting, but for those who practice the craft of gardening waiting is necessary. You can’t harvest a plant before it has pushed out of the soil, it would be a mere seedling. The timing would be off. It can be so hard for us to wait for the Lord’s help, but if we rush ahead before God’s intervention, we risk ruining the timing, wearing ourselves out in our striving, or worse believing that we can help ourselves. This is the real underlying question in the Psalm; do we want the Lord’s help? The psalmist repeats it, “I want his help…” So, the psalmist has decided where to place his hope for help. What is the big thing that you are waiting for God to work out? What help do you long for? Where do we see hope?
In Christ,
Rev. Elyse Milligan Nielsen
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