The Time Of Worshipping Together Is At Hand!

The Time Of Worshipping Together Is At Hand!

June 2024

The one thing I ask of the Lord, the thing I seek most
Is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
Delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.
                                                                                                     Psalm 27:4

It is finally happening! If all goes well with final inspections this week and early next week, we should have worship for the first time in the newly renovated Sanctuary on June 9, 2024. The plan for this special first Sunday together is to have a potluck breakfast in the Fellowship Center at 9:30am before entering together through the doors at 10am. We will have prayer stations as we pray for the people who will use this sacred space for God’s glory. In the months between our first Sunday together and the Building Dedication (tentatively August 11, 2024) we will be in a season of experimentation and working out kinks. The online experience may not be good in the beginning since we will be training new people on unfamiliar equipment. We may find we are missing furniture or need plants. Some of our processes need to be altered, like Holy Communion preparations must be done in Fellowship Center since there is not kitchenette like in the Chapel. We will try some things to see if they work, pruning and honing as we go. It will not be perfect!
As we live life together in the house of the Lord aka the new sanctuary, we hope that the church and new worshipers will be “all in” and not just come for an hour of worship a week. The sanctuary building facilitates ministry and helps God’s people be the church wherever they go. In this place we get to be recharged, convicted, called, and commissioned. We also praise and meditate on the scriptures and on God’s goodness and involvement in our lives. It will be a meaningful addition to Cutler Bay community as renters occupy the space when it is not actively being used for worship. These are all reasons to celebrate! When the scripture describes “live in the house of the Lord” it also means more than a physical place. It means holding our place in the family, in the household of God. Family of God, the time of worshipping together is at hand! 
In Christ,
Rev. Elyse Nielsen


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