God Is Love!

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
1 John 4:8
My daughter has a wonderful Christian book called God is Love by Amy Parker that goes through different expressions of God’s love portrayed through cuddly looking animals . Some are the fruit of the Spirit and others are more relational, some characteristics of God, some are actual scripture, and still others are traditional Valentine’s Day gifts like roses by the dozen, balloons that say I love you, and red foil hearts. It is a good reminder that God’s love can’t be parceled out into just characteristics or qualities but are grounded in people. How people love and regard others is the main way others see the love of God in action today. Our scripture uses love as a verb in the first portion. God’s primary quality and work in the world is love made manifest in his people the church. How will you, who knows God, love others and yourself? Will you send a friend a card? Pick up cheery flowers for your own table? I invite you to watch a reading of this endearing book. Happy Valentine’s Day!
In Christ,
Rev. Elyse Nielsen
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