Author Archives: Heloisa Alonso

Heloisa Alonso

Blessed to Give
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Blessed to Give

You’ve heard the saying: “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” Where’s the blessing in giving? Given the choice, wouldn’t we rather be on the receiving end every time? We certainly know that giving...

October 12, 2018
The Joy of Giving
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The Joy of Giving

You know the old saying: “Money can’t buy happiness.” It’s true, unless you give it to others. Nothing compares with the feeling we get when we share with others, when we bring others joy, or...

October 05, 2018
Stone Soup
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Stone Soup

There’s an old story about some hungry travelers who came to a village, only to find that none of the villagers would share any food with them. The travelers had a cooking pot, so they...

September 28, 2018
Against the Flow
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Against the Flow

You probably know the feeling of moving along with a crowd of people. Maybe everyone’s headed down into a subway platform, or out of a stadium after a concert or sporting event. In any case,...

September 21, 2018
Logs and Splinters
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Logs and Splinters

You’ve heard the judgmental comments people make: “Why don’t they discipline their children?” “Does he realize how ridiculous he looks wearing that?” “They’re taking another vacation? How can they afford that?” And chances are, we’ve...

September 14, 2018
Me, Worry?
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Me, Worry?

I’m not generally a worrier, but we all have our moments. Sometimes, for example, when it seems like all of life’s i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed, I worry that perhaps I’m actually forgetting...

September 07, 2018
Old Habits
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Old Habits

Some years ago I was preaching for a small worship service at a nursing home. The attendees were residents with a background in the Christian faith, but many suffered from dementia and were largely unresponsive...

August 31, 2018
Eyes, Teeth, and Cheeks
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Eyes, Teeth, and Cheeks

We’re all familiar with the expression “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.” It comes from the Old Testament, and refers to the idea that punishment or recompense should match an offense that has...

August 24, 2018
Opposite World
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Opposite World

Thanks to a strange development in the English language, the words “flammable” and “inflammable” mean the same thing. Frequently, we use the prefix in– to mean “not,” but not in this case. The word “inflammable”...

August 17, 2018
Back to School
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Back to School

It won’t be long before students of all ages will be returning back to school. It’s a good opportunity for us to dust off our thinking caps; we’re never too old to learn! Jesus did...

August 17, 2018