Author Archives: Heloisa Alonso

Heloisa Alonso

Holy Disruption
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Holy Disruption

After being away for about 10 days, I recently came home to find several small tree limbs lying in the yard. There wasn’t any damage, but I could see the evidence of a storm while...

August 03, 2018
Part of the Solution
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Part of the Solution

Frequently when you’re at the Publix checkout, someone will ask if you’d like to donate a small amount to a particular cause. Some of us might be skeptical: If Publix wants to support a charity...

July 27, 2018
A Jealous God?
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A Jealous God?

Sometimes the Bible describes God as being jealous. Typically, we view jealousy as a bad thing; we often think of jealous people–especially in relationships–as petty and insecure. There may be more appropriate English words to...

July 23, 2018
in Uncategorized


How would you rank the most important things in your life? If we’re aiming for the “right” answer, we might say that God is more important than anything. Then we might rank our family next,...

July 14, 2018
Expecting the Unexpected
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Expecting the Unexpected

I recently heard Alex Trebek, the host of Jeopardy, make an off-hand comment that has stuck with me. He mentioned that he majored in philosophy in college, a degree that has served him well. But–of...

June 30, 2018
Justice Is Served?
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Justice Is Served?

Few things are more satisfying than seeing justice being served on someone else. Imagine someone rudely cuts you off in traffic and speeds away without the slightest bit of remorse. Then imagine your delight when...

June 15, 2018
Lasting Love
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Lasting Love

​No other human relationship is quite like the bond of marriage. Children are adopted or born into a family, but marriage partners willingly choose to commit to each other. Knowing the other person’s strengths as...

June 01, 2018
Majoring in the Minors
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Majoring in the Minors

Like millions of others around the world, you probably watched at least part of the royal wedding last weekend. By many accounts, Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon was among the highlights. At one point, he said,...

May 25, 2018
Speaking My Language
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Speaking My Language

Imagine you are mingling in a social setting; numerous small conversations are taking place around a large room. In the midst of all that chatter your ears prick up when they hear a few key...

May 18, 2018