Author Archives: Elyse M. Nielsen

Elyse M. Nielsen

Gifted for God's Work
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Gifted for God’s Work

I have often admired people with real artistic talent. I’ve also admired people who show compassion for others so naturally and easily. I’m amazed when I am around people who seem to know the right...

June 11, 2021
Winds of Change
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Winds of Change

You have undoubtedly had ample opportunity to observe numerous changes over the last year. Certainly, our habits and lifestyles have changed. Our social practices are different. It took some time to get used to pandemic...

June 04, 2021
Church on a Mission
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Church on a Mission

What is church all about? Church probably means different things to different people. For some, church may be the place where our longest and best friendships have been formed. And it’s always a good thing...

May 28, 2021
Hope for the Earth
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Hope for the Earth

Christians are by nature people of hope. Sure, sometimes we get discouraged and pessimistic. But in general, a central part of the Christian faith is hope in the future work of God. It’s not simply...

May 14, 2021
A Fruitful Earth
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A Fruitful Earth

One of the unique aspects of life in South Florida is that we essentially have a 12-month growing season. In other parts of the world, particularly those that have winter temperatures below freezing, most plants...

April 30, 2021
God's Green Earth Day
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God’s Green Earth Day

In our worship online each week, we are currently looking at God’s Green Earth. As the psalmist wrote, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1). Earth Day is an excellent opportunity...

April 23, 2021
God's Green Earth
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God’s Green Earth

My family and I have often been blessed to serve congregations that provide a parsonage for the pastor to live in. There are not many jobs in the world that include housing as part of...

April 16, 2021
Resurrection People
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Resurrection People

When we read the Easter stories from the Bible, it’s interesting how the early witnesses often got the wrong impression about what had taken place. When they saw the empty tomb, they assumed Jesus’ body...

April 09, 2021