Author Archives: Elyse M. Nielsen

Elyse M. Nielsen

Easter in a Pandemic
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Easter in a Pandemic

What’s Easter all about? For many people, Easter in past years has involved going to church, gathering with family, eating good food, maybe Easter baskets and an egg hunt. Maybe the quarantine life is starting...

April 02, 2021
Agreeing in Prayer
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Agreeing in Prayer

Jesus once said, “If two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, then my Father who is in heaven will do it for you” (Matthew 18:19). This, of course, should not be construed...

March 26, 2021
A Life of Prayer
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A Life of Prayer

What motivates your life? What is the fuel that pushes you out of bed each morning? Many of us are motivated by a variety of factors. We might be passionate about caring for our family....

March 19, 2021
Dealing with Distractions
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Dealing with Distractions

We live with an infinite number of things scrambling for our attention each day. We have ongoing commitments to family and friends. Work often creeps past our work day and into our private life. Television,...

March 12, 2021
Praying with Jesus
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Praying with Jesus

“Lord, teach us to pray,” Jesus’ disciples once asked him. When you think about it, it’s interesting that they viewed prayer as something that needed to be taught. Is there a right way to pray?...

March 05, 2021
Louder than Words
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Louder than Words

You know the familiar expression: “Actions speak louder than words.” And we all know that the truth of the saying often bears itself out in actual life. Sometimes our words may say one thing, while...

February 26, 2021
Forgive and Forget?
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Forgive and Forget?

Does accountability contradict forgiveness? If people of Christian faith are supposed to be people who forgive and show grace, does this mean that we should not hold people accountable for wrongdoing? Should we simply forgive...

February 19, 2021
Generational Sin
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Generational Sin

A new Presidential administration always signals new policy changes that affect that nation in various ways. The timing happens to coincide with the release of covid vaccines, offering more signs that change is on the...

February 12, 2021
Celebrating Black History
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Celebrating Black History

George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Stephon Clark. Philando Castile. Michael Brown. Eric Garner. The list goes on… Our nation has been stirred within the last year by protests against the injustice of Black people wrongly killed...

February 05, 2021
God Intended It for Good
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God Intended It for Good

Over the last few weeks in our weekly worship we have been looking at the multicolor life of Joseph in the Old Testament. Through all the twists and turns, from being sold into slavery by...

January 29, 2021