Author Archives: Elyse M. Nielsen

Elyse M. Nielsen

An Ever-Present Kingdom
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An Ever-Present Kingdom

When Covid lockdown first started last spring, many people noticed that it was hard to find baker’s yeast. Turns out that a lot of folks started making bread at home and baker’s yeast was one...

October 30, 2020
Pay It Forward
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Pay It Forward

Recently, I heard someone describe how they ordered food at a drive-thru, but when they pulled around, the car in front of them had already paid their bill! Of course, there was no way to...

October 16, 2020
The Blessing of Giving
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The Blessing of Giving

I did not expect that my perspective on Christmas would change once I had children of my own, but it did. When we’re young, we look forward to Christmas mainly because of the gifts we...

October 09, 2020
Sowing and Reaping
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Sowing and Reaping

We’ve all heard the adage, “You reap what you sow.” This saying has its roots in the Bible (see 2 Corinthians 9:6). This expression holds true in several ways. We often think of it in...

October 02, 2020
The Generous Life
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The Generous Life

Americans generally enjoy a life of plenty. Most of the time we take full grocery shelves for granted. But there are a few occasions when we face the threat of scarcity. When a hurricane is...

September 25, 2020
Tax Collectors and Sinners
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Tax Collectors and Sinners

Why does Jesus seem to gravitate toward tax collectors and sinners? The Bible describes Jesus frequently associating with people with questionable backgrounds. And it’s not a small segment of the population, but people from all...

September 18, 2020
Resisting God
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Resisting God

It was a long time before humans figured out how to accomplish flight. The earliest attempts at human-powered flight took their inspiration from birds in nature. If birds can apparently defy the law of gravity,...

September 11, 2020
Labor and Rest
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Labor and Rest

In the area where I grew up, the school year began after Labor Day. The holiday marked the unofficial end of summer and the return to school routines. The idea of Labor Day began as...

September 04, 2020
Seeing Jesus
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Seeing Jesus

Imagine that you’re going about your business, when Jesus bursts in unannounced and says, “Come on, let’s go!” What would you do? Would you get up and follow, without knowing where he’s taking you? Would...

August 28, 2020