Author Archives: Elyse M. Nielsen

Elyse M. Nielsen

The Highest Power
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The Highest Power

“I’d like to speak to the manager, please.” Maybe you’ve spoken these words from time to time. Perhaps your experience at a restaurant or store has been unsatisfactory, and you decide to appeal to a...

October 25, 2019
in Uncategorized


When have you found yourself without words to say? Maybe when you’re surrounded by the magnificence of nature. Or in the stillness of an ocean sunset. Or perhaps when confronted by a tragic and sudden...

October 04, 2019
Truth from Youth
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Truth from Youth

This past week Swedish 16 year-old Greta Thunberg addressed the UN Climate Action Summit. Thunberg has come to international prominence in the last year or so as an activist for staging school strikes for climate...

September 27, 2019
A Longer Table
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A Longer Table

Ever notice how much time Jesus spent eating with others? It wasn’t just about the food, of course; many of his teaching moments were spent around a table. Jesus turned water into wine at a...

September 20, 2019
Now or Later
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Now or Later

Would you rather be given $10,000 right now or $500,000 in 15 years? Your decision might be quick and easy: $10,000 is a lot of money, but I’d be happy to wait 15 years for...

September 13, 2019
Top Priority
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Top Priority

Those of us living in South Florida are grateful to be spared the devastation of Hurricane Dorian, but we empathize with those who were in its path. We should continue to pray for the people...

September 06, 2019
Faith and Politics
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Faith and Politics

Some people say that faith and politics should not mix. I understand the reasons why, but our faith should be deep enough to reach every aspect of our lives. As it happens, Jesus spoke often...

August 23, 2019
New Here
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New Here

Have you ever been the new kid? Maybe your family relocated while you were young. Perhaps you had to switch schools at some point. Or maybe you tried out a new sports team, group, or...

August 16, 2019