Author Archives: Elyse M. Nielsen

Elyse M. Nielsen

Routine Maintenance
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Routine Maintenance

The “Hollywood” sign is easily the most recognizable landmark in Los Angeles. It was first built in 1923 to advertise an isolated real estate development. The sign initially read “Hollywoodland,” but the -land part was...

July 26, 2019
Only We
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Only We

This week we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the launching of Apollo 11 from Kennedy Space Center, which sent the first humans to the moon. Some of you still remember it. I recently heard an...

July 19, 2019
Me and My Shadow
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Me and My Shadow

When I was very young, I was fascinated at the way my shadow would follow me around. No matter where I went, or what I did, it would stick to my every move. Like it...

July 12, 2019
Character Building
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Character Building

At some point, you have probably been told that unpleasant parts of life “build character.” Maybe you’ve gone through so much in life that you wonder how much more character building you still need! It’s...

July 08, 2019
A Big God
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A Big God

It’s hard for us to grasp how big the universe really is. We typically perceive light as being instantaneous, but it takes time even for light to travel from one point to another. Although light...

June 28, 2019
Storm Ready
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Storm Ready

I’m not the most experienced person when it comes to tropical storms and hurricanes. But my few encounters have taught me a valuable lesson about hurricane preparedness: It’s really important to have supplies ready ahead...

June 21, 2019
Good, Good Father
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Good, Good Father

Father’s Day often comes to us as a mixed blessing. We celebrate dads for their jokes, grilling, and yard work. But Father’s Day can also remind us of loss, hurt, or absence. Dads are like...

June 14, 2019
The Sequel
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The Sequel

After creating a major hit in the box-office, film makers will often ride that wave of success to generate more sequels. Frequently, it’s hard for subsequent films to match the success of the first movie,...

June 07, 2019
Everest Traffic
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Everest Traffic

Who would have thought that we would ever use the expression “traffic jam” in reference to Mount Everest? By now you’ve seen the image of dozens of climbers waiting in a long queue for their...

May 31, 2019