Author Archives: Elyse M. Nielsen

Elyse M. Nielsen

Reaching Out
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Reaching Out

What sort of gift do you give to the person who has it all? Consider this: What does the God who created the entire universe, and to whom all things belong, still lack? There’s one...

May 24, 2019
A Meaningful Life
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A Meaningful Life

I’ve often wondered what it’s like to play a sport professionally–that is, to have a job doing something that everyone else does for leisure, like playing golf. Or maybe something like being a park ranger,...

May 17, 2019
Mother's Day
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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a pretty big day of the year, commercially speaking. We’re told that more telephone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. And it’s supposedly the busiest...

May 10, 2019
People and Places
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People and Places

I have to confess: when I was younger, I occupied myself through numerous church services by looking at the maps in the back of the Bible. Let’s face it: sometimes the maps are more interesting...

May 03, 2019
Family History
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Family History

You might be familiar with a few stories from the Old Testament: Noah and the ark, Moses and the Red Sea, David and Goliath, etc. But these are stories about people living in distant lands...

April 26, 2019
Were You There?
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Were You There?

There’s a familiar old spiritual hymn that asks, “Were you there when they crucified my Lord?” (Click here for a version recorded by Johnny Cash and the Carter Family.) The truth–and the good news–is that...

April 18, 2019
Forgiveness and Healing
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Forgiveness and Healing

One of the unfortunate realities of life is that we find ourselves getting wounded often by others. Some of us have been hurt very deeply by things that others have done to us. Other wounds...

April 12, 2019
Sin Much?
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Sin Much?

When was the last time you sinned? If you were asked that question in person, I’m guessing that you would probably laugh at the absurdity. But if pressed for a real answer, you’d probably say...

April 05, 2019
Family of God
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Family of God

Sometimes people lament the deterioration of families in today’s culture. To be sure, families seem to experience brokenness and unrest frequently these days. But families aren’t disappearing; instead, families often look more different now than...

March 29, 2019
The Wind of God
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The Wind of God

Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity: Along with the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is a distinct person but still thoroughly God. It’s a mystery that Christians have...

March 22, 2019