Author Archives: Elyse M. Nielsen

Elyse M. Nielsen

Mirror Image
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Mirror Image

Sometimes you hear people make statements about Jesus that are actually expressions of their own views. “Jesus wouldn’t say something like that.” “Do you really think Jesus would vote for that candidate?” “Doesn’t Jesus care...

March 15, 2019
Persistent Belief
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Persistent Belief

Animals are often imprinted with certain instincts from birth. Sea turtles, for example, know as soon as they are born that they need to get to the water as quickly as possible. Ducklings seem to...

March 08, 2019
Whose Back Do You Have?
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Whose Back Do You Have?

There may be no greater feeling than knowing that someone has your back. It’s a combination of affirmation, confidence in you, and unwavering support, no matter what happens. It may happen only once in a...

March 01, 2019
in Uncategorized


You might be familiar with the term “framily”; it’s a mashup of the two words “friends” and “family.” Framily are friends who are so close that you might think of them as more like family....

February 22, 2019
A Colorful Kingdom
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A Colorful Kingdom

Some of the most inspiring worship experiences in my life have been in cross-cultural settings. It doesn’t happen often, but a few times in my life I have had the privilege of worshiping with people...

February 15, 2019
Bridging the Gap
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Bridging the Gap

There’s little doubt that Martin Luther King, Jr. has made the single greatest contribution toward racial reconciliation in our nation. His influence continues to be deeply felt, even many decades after his death. Despite the...

February 08, 2019
Winter Blossoms
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Winter Blossoms

Right now, much of the nation is experiencing extreme cold weather due to a polar vortex. Here in South Florida we have our chilly days, but nothing like what the rest of the country is...

February 01, 2019
Road Trip
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Road Trip

Ever go on a family road trip? One of the features of our geography is that you can travel great distances by car without ever leaving the country. Of course, if you live in South...

January 25, 2019
in Uncategorized

Let’s Connect

Each day when God had created the world, he declared that his creation was good. But after God made Adam, something was not good. God said, “It’s not good that the human is alone” (Genesis...

January 18, 2019
Everyday Courage
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Everyday Courage

Once in a while you hear stories about regular people who perform acts of heroism: something like pushing someone out of the way of an oncoming train or stopping to help in a car accident....

January 10, 2019